A Comprehensive Analysis of Winnipeg Crime Statistics 2024
Key Insights
- Winnipeg Police Service 2023 Statistical Report indicates that Winnipeg had the highest homicide rate in 2023, recording 5.97 homicides per 100,000, which is nearly double Edmonton’s rate of 3.56.
- According to the same report, Winnipeg’s robbery rate reached 305.8 per 100,000, approximately three times higher than the average for Canadian urban centers.
- Urban Violent Crimes Report ranks Winnipeg as one of the cities with the fastest-growing crime severity indexes over the past decade, with violent crimes increasing by 12.1% in Winnipeg compared to 2022.
- City News reports a rise in youth crime within Winnipeg wherein in 2023, youth crimes increased by 23.1% compared to 2022, and 14.3% over the five-year average.
- The 2024 Citizen Satisfaction Survey revealed that only 62% of residents feel safe walking alone at night, with lower safety perceptions reported among women (54%) and inner-city residents (42%).
Winnipeg’s crime statistics for 2023 reveal a mixed landscape, with some areas showing improvement while others continue to pose challenges.
According to the Winnipeg Police Service 2023 Statistical Report, the total number of reported crimes in 2023 was 70,472, marking a 2.2% decrease compared to the 72,061 incidents reported in 2022.
However, when compared to 2018, which recorded 70,124 crimes, overall crime levels have remained relatively consistent, showing that progress has been incremental over the past five years.

Violent crimes in Winnipeg have steadily increased since 2018, when 11,469 incidents were reported.
In 2022, this figure rose to 13,451, and in 2023, it climbed further to 15,074, representing a 12.1% rise from the previous year and a 31.4% increase over five years.

In contrast, property crimes have shown a gradual decline over the same period, falling to 49,055 incidents in 2023 – a 4.7% drop from 51,565 incidents in 2022 and part of a broader downward trend since 2020, when 52,567 incidents were recorded.

Drug-related crimes have displayed more volatility, with a sharp 10.9%, increasing from 412 incidents in 2022 to 457 incidents in 2023.
Meanwhile, traffic-related crimes and other offenses have remained relatively stable, with minor fluctuations.

Insights in Crime Severity in Winnipeg
Winnipeg’s Crime Severity Index (CSI) reveals distinct trends between violent and non-violent offenses over the years.
According to the Winnipeg Police Service 2023 Statistical Report, the total CSI for Winnipeg decreased from 146.3 in 2022 to 139.5 in 2023, showing a 4.6% decline.
This reflects progress in addressing overall crime but masks disparities in specific categories.

Violent crime severity increased by 2.2% in 2023, rising from 172.1 in 2022 to 175.9, and continuing a gradual upward trajectory since 2018 when the Violent Crime Severity Index was 143.6.
This growth underscores persistent challenges with assaults, homicides, and other violent offenses.
In contrast, non-violent crime severity saw a significant decline of 8.9%, dropping from 126.5 in 2022 to 115.2 in 2023, driven by decreases in property-related crimes and other non-violent offenses.
When viewed over a longer period, the trend in Winnipeg’s CSI from 1998 to 2023 shows a steady rise in the early 2000s, followed by a decline through 2014.
However, the index has been climbing again in recent years, particularly in the violent crime category.
Crime Severity Index by Province in 2023
The table below compares Winnipeg’s crime rates with other major Canadian cities and the provincial average for 2023, focusing on violent and property crimes.

Findings by the Urban Violent Crimes Report highlight Winnipeg’s disproportionately high crime rates compared to other major Canadian cities.
The city’s homicide rate of 5.97 per 100,000 significantly exceeds Vancouver’s 3.45 and Toronto’s 2.15, reinforcing Winnipeg’s position as a hotspot for violent crime in Canada.
Similarly, the robbery rate of 305.8 per 100,000 in Winnipeg far outpaces Montreal’s 124.4 and Calgary’s 155.2
These disparities point to systemic challenges unique to Winnipeg, such as socioeconomic inequality, poverty, and rising organized crime activity.
In contrast, cities like Brandon, with lower violent crime rates of 510 incidents per 100,000 individuals experience fewer such issues.
Comparison of Neighborhood Crime Rates in Winnipeg
Statistics from the Canada Crime Index reveal that the crime landscape in Winnipeg varies significantly across its neighborhoods, with certain areas experiencing notably higher crime rates.
This table underscores the significant disparities in violent crime rates across Winnipeg neighborhoods, with areas like Lord Selkirk Park and Central Park experiencing rates substantially higher than the city average.

This highlights the significant concentration of criminal activity in specific Winnipeg neighborhoods.
Areas like Lord Selkirk Park and Central Park, with violent crime rates of 2,500 and 2,465 per 100,000 residents respectively, are among the most affected, experiencing rates substantially higher than the city average of 1,563 incidents per 100,000 residents
In contrast, neighborhoods such as Dufferin Industrial and Logan – C.P.R., while still above average, experience slightly lower crime rates, suggesting potential impacts of localized interventions or differing socioeconomic conditions.
Demographic Insights Into Crime in Winnipeg
Winnipeg’s crime statistics reveal notable disparities across different demographic groups, influenced by factors such as age, gender, and socioeconomic status.
This part illustrates how these factors affect crime rates in Winnipeg.
Age Breakdown and Crime Vulnerability
Data from Statistics Canada reveals that individuals aged 18 to 24 experience higher rates of violent victimization compared to other age groups. This trend is consistent across Canada, with young adults facing elevated risks of assault and robbery.
Reports from City News also indicate a concerning rise in youth crime within Winnipeg. In 2022, youth crimes accounted for 7.0% of all reported crimes, which then increased to 8.6% in 2023, representing a 23.1% rise.
The Winnipeg Police Service 2023 Statistical Report reveals a breakdown of violent crime incidents by age group in Winnipeg.

This reveals a clear concentration of violent crime involvement among young adults aged 18 to 29, who accounted for 4,320 incidents in 2023.
This group significantly outpaces other age demographics, reflecting a higher exposure to risky environments and situations, such as nightlife or peer-related conflicts.
By contrast, the 12–17 age group recorded 1,512 incidents, suggesting that while youth crime remains a concern, it is not as prevalent as among older young adults.
Meanwhile, individuals aged 50 and above account for fewer incidents, likely due to differing lifestyle factors and reduced exposure to high-risk environments.
Gender Disparities in Crime in Winnipeg
Statistics Canada reveals notable differences between genders, particularly concerning intimate partner violence.

This data highlights the stark disparity in intimate partner violence (IPV) victimization, where women represent 87% of victims in Winnipeg.
This exceeds the provincial and national averages, suggesting that targeted interventions and support services are particularly critical in the city.
The Consequences of High Crime Rates in Winnipeg
The 2024 Citizen Satisfaction Survey by the Prairie Research Associates measures the level of satisfaction of the citizens of Winnipeg in relation to their feeling of safety and security in Winnipeg.
According to the study, the second most commonly cited action to improve the quality of life in Winnipeg was crime and policing, with 36% of respondents mentioning this.

This reveals mixed perceptions among Winnipeg residents regarding safety, quality of life, and city services.
While 62% of residents report feeling safe walking alone at night, this leaves 38% with safety concerns. This sentiment is more pronounced among women, with only 54% feeling safe, and inner-city residents, where the figure drops to 42%.
Meanwhile, 82% of respondents rate their quality of life as good or very good, reflecting an 11.8% decline from 93% in 2019.

Satisfaction with city services stands at 76%, indicating general approval; however, this is a decrease from 88% reported in 2019.

Interventions and Solutions for High Crime Rates in Winnipeg
The City of Winnipeg is developing a Community Safety Strategic Action Plan to promote healthy, crime-free neighborhoods through collaboration among public and private organizations.
This plan aims to improve coordination and effectiveness in addressing the root causes of crime.

Meanwhile, in its attempts to establish a safer downtown area, the Downtown Community Safety Partnership (DCSP) provides 24/7 assistance to support vulnerable individuals and enhance community well-being.

The Future of Crime Rates in Winnipeg
Winnipeg’s crime rates show little indication of a quick decline, with recent trends pointing toward continued challenges in both violent and property crimes.
According to the Winnipeg Police Service 2023 Statistical Report, the city recorded 55 homicides in 2023, which is an increase of 54 homicides from 2022, resulting in a homicide rate of 7.4 per 100,000 residents.
Projections indicate that without systemic interventions, crime may remain a pressing issue, as the total reported crimes in 2023 reached approximately 600,000, up from 586,000 in 2022, marking a 2.2% increase.
Enhancing resources for prevention, addressing socioeconomic disparities, and improving community engagement will be essential to creating safer neighborhoods and reducing crime rates in the long term.

- Winnipeg Police Service. (2023). Statistical report 2023. Retrieved from https://wps-2023-statistical-report-wpsgis.hub.arcgis.com/
- Snow, A. (2024). Urban violent crime report. Macdonald-Laurier Institute. Retrieved from https://macdonaldlaurier.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/20240812_Urban-violent-crime-report_SnowAudas_REPORT-v7-FINAL.pdf
- Canada Crime Index. (2023). Winnipeg crime rate. Retrieved from https://canadacrimeindex.com/winnipeg-crime-rate/
- Statistics Canada. (2023). Violent victimization rates by age group and gender, Canada, 2023. Retrieved from https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/85-002-x/2023001/article/00001/tbl/tbl03-eng.htm
- CityNews Winnipeg. (2024). Violent crime, youth crime increase in 2023: Winnipeg crime report. Retrieved from https://winnipeg.citynews.ca/2024/06/18/violent-crime-youth-crime-increase-in-2023-winnipeg-crime-report/
- Statistics Canada. (2020). Winnipeg: Crime and justice statistics. Retrieved from https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/85-002x/2020001/article/00001/winnipeg-eng.html
- Prairie Research Associates. (2024). Citizen satisfaction survey. Retrieved from https://www.winnipeg.ca/city-governance/documents-reports/2024-citizen-satisfaction-survey
- City of Winnipeg. (2023). Community safety strategic action plan. Retrieved from https://www.winnipeg.ca/cms/projects/safety_strategy/safety_strategy.stm
- Downtown Community Safety Partnership. (n.d.). Safety initiatives. Retrieved from https://www.dcsp.ca/